Top Advantages of Dialysis Treatments


The National Institutes of Health report that nearly 808,000 Americans live with end-stage renal disease (ESRD), with 69% being on dialysis. Given its impact on patients and families, it is only suitable to shed light on its advantages. That’s where we at NephCure Academy, specialists in renal physiology in Mission Hills, California, come in!

With our years of providing quality dialysis procedures in California, we can share some of the many ways such treatment can potentially help you:

  • Waste and Toxin Elimination
    Dialysis assists in extracting waste materials, surplus salts, and toxins from the bloodstream, a function otherwise performed by healthy kidneys. This process, typically performed with the aid of a dialysis nurse, prevents the buildup of harmful substances in the body, reducing the possibility of severe health complications.
  • Fluid Balance
    Dialysis contributes to maintaining the appropriate fluid balance within the body by eliminating surplus fluid. It is crucial as compromised kidney function can result in fluid retention, potentially giving rise to hazardous levels of fluid accumulation within the body.
  • Blood Pressure Regulation
    Dialysis can help control blood pressure by removing excess fluid and salt, vital contributors to high blood pressure. Uncontrolled hypertension can lead to heart and blood vessel damage.
  • Enhanced Quality of Living
    Dialysis can go a long way toward enhancing the overall quality of life for individuals with kidney disease. One can effectively alleviate challenges stemming from kidney-related issues with the help of professionals who have undergone hands-on training.

Dial us today so you can access patient assessment in California like none other!


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